Wat is jouw favoriete vega-recept? - Maart

Maart begint met de week zonder vlees en daarom willen we van jou weten: wat is jouw favoriete vega-recept? Het is het perfecte moment om eens creatief aan de slag te gaan met groenten en plantaardige ingrediënten die je misschien nog niet zo goed kent.

Point right Wat eet jij graag zonder vlees?
Misschien ben je fan van een kleurrijke Buddha bowl, een heerlijke zoete aardappel burger of een snelle pastasalade met groenten. Of misschien heb jij wel een geheime vega-twist die je altijd serveert maar nog nooit hebt gedeeld!

Deel je recept en inspireer anderen!
Laat ons weten wat jij graag maakt in de keuken als je zonder vlees kookt. Of het nu een eenvoudige maaltijd is of een culinaire uitdaging, we zijn benieuwd naar jouw favoriete vega-creatie. En wie weet heb je wel een nieuw gerecht gevonden om deze maand mee te starten! Seedling

Meedoen loont!
Als deelnemer van Samen Fitter kun je reageren op de opdracht van de maand. Log in om jouw reactie achter te laten en verdien een fitter! Met je fitters shop je met korting in onze webshop. Als klant van De Friesland kun je ook sparen voor korting op de aanvullende verzekering met je fitters. Je fitter ontvang je aan het begin van de volgende maand.


24 reacties

  • Came across this recipe on Instagram, and it is delicous! 


    of my favourite ways to cook cauliflower is to cut it into steaks, then serve with chimichurri + a creamy butter bean purée.

    it sounds fancy, but it’s actually super easy to make, comes together in no time at all & uses only simple, plant-based ingredients Seedling

    I’ve written the full recipe out for you below so enjoy & let me know if you give it a go Point down

    INGREDIENTS (serves 2)


    2 cauliflower steaks (from 1 large cauli)
    1 tbsp smoked paprika
    3 garlic cloves
    2 tbsp butter
    Olive oil


    Large bunch of parsley
    1 garlic clove
    1 red chilli
    2 tbsp red wine vinegar
    100ml extra virgin olive oil


    700g jarred butter beans
    1 lemon
    1 garlic clove
    2 tbsp nutritional yeast


    1. First, make the chimichurri. Finely chop the fresh herbs, then add to a mixing bowl. Finely dice the chilli, mince the garlic + add to the herbs with the vinegar. Season to taste, then stream in the olive oil whilst mixing until throughly combined. Set aside.
    2. For the butter beans, simply pour into a blender with the juice of a lemon, salt, pepper, 1 garlic clove + nutritional yeast.
    3. For the cauliflower, chop into steaks- you should be able to get two from the middle of a large one. Save the extra florets for another recipe, or roast with salt, pepper, paprika + olive oil to serve alongside the steaks.
    4. Chop up the leaves + stems & set aside for a zero-waste garnish.
    5. Season the steaks with salt, pepper + paprika on both sides, then drizzle with oil + massage well.
    6. Heat a frying pan to medium high. Add 2 tbsp olive oil. Once hot, add the steak - press down to sear. After several minutes, flip + fry other side until golden brown.
    7. Bash the garlic cloves, add with the butter + baste continuously. Once the steaks are cooked, remove from the pan + add the chopped leaves/stems with a splash more oil & cook until golden + crisp.
    8. To serve, pour the bean purée into the middle of a plate. Place the steak on top, drizzle with chimichurri & scatter over the cauli leaves.

  • Came across this recipe on Instagram, and it is delicous! 


    of my favourite ways to cook cauliflower is to cut it into steaks, then serve with chimichurri + a creamy butter bean purée.

    it sounds fancy, but it’s actually super easy to make, comes together in no time at all & uses only simple, plant-based ingredients Seedling

    I’ve written the full recipe out for you below so enjoy & let me know if you give it a go Point down

    INGREDIENTS (serves 2)


    2 cauliflower steaks (from 1 large cauli)
    1 tbsp smoked paprika
    3 garlic cloves
    2 tbsp butter
    Olive oil


    Large bunch of parsley
    1 garlic clove
    1 red chilli
    2 tbsp red wine vinegar
    100ml extra virgin olive oil


    700g jarred butter beans
    1 lemon
    1 garlic clove
    2 tbsp nutritional yeast


    1. First, make the chimichurri. Finely chop the fresh herbs, then add to a mixing bowl. Finely dice the chilli, mince the garlic + add to the herbs with the vinegar. Season to taste, then stream in the olive oil whilst mixing until throughly combined. Set aside.
    2. For the butter beans, simply pour into a blender with the juice of a lemon, salt, pepper, 1 garlic clove + nutritional yeast.
    3. For the cauliflower, chop into steaks- you should be able to get two from the middle of a large one. Save the extra florets for another recipe, or roast with salt, pepper, paprika + olive oil to serve alongside the steaks.
    4. Chop up the leaves + stems & set aside for a zero-waste garnish.
    5. Season the steaks with salt, pepper + paprika on both sides, then drizzle with oil + massage well.
    6. Heat a frying pan to medium high. Add 2 tbsp olive oil. Once hot, add the steak - press down to sear. After several minutes, flip + fry other side until golden brown.
    7. Bash the garlic cloves, add with the butter + baste continuously. Once the steaks are cooked, remove from the pan + add the chopped leaves/stems with a splash more oil & cook until golden + crisp.
    8. To serve, pour the bean purée into the middle of a plate. Place the steak on top, drizzle with chimichurri & scatter over the cauli leaves.

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